Fate Grand Order is a popular turn-based RPG (and a juggernaut in the gacha scene) based on the Fate IP, the brainchild of Nasu Kinoko that has become a household name since 2004 and has spawned a ...
fgo国服对于这次的FSR系列的相关主题联动活动,作为五星狂阶的泳装武藏,作为第二期迎来UP的从者,相关的预告也正式公开了,来具体说说这次的卡池安排和UP的情况,本次不仅仅是泳装武藏的UP,同时哈巴她的宝具本一并给开启了,来具体说说这次的卡池安排和规 ...
Fate anime features conflicts in The Holy Grail War. Each series tells unique stories in different timelines. Series like Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Zero are great to start with. The Fate franchise ...