New Delhi on Monday (January 13) summoned the Bangladesh Acting High Commissioner to India, Nural Islam, over “security measures at the border, including on fencing”. In a statement, the Ministry of ...
My first introduction to the art of fencing was through my sister Joanna, who at 44, began taking fencing lessons at the Escrime Mont-Royal fencing club. Other than the Olympics, my knowledge of ...
The legs, or brown meat, of a chicken have more flavour than the breast and take longer to cook. They are sold as whole legs, drumsticks (the lower half of the leg) or thighs. The thighs are sold ...
Butterflying a leg of lamb (removing the bone and opening out the meat) is a great technique for barbecuing or grilling a whole leg so that it cooks evenly and quickly. Leg is also sliced and sold ...
However, this is usually avoided in children because the rod would cross the bone's growth plates and could have an effect on the length of the leg. Intramedullary rods may also be used in cases of ...