The next year brought the breakthrough that still defines HIV treatment today: highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). HAART uses three or more drugs that work in at least two different ways.
利用创新方法,EMBL 的科学家们发现了分子机器之间的关键相互作用,为药物开发开辟了新途径。研究人员首次拍摄了一部实时分子电影,展示了转录和翻译这两个重要的细胞过程是如何在细菌中相互作用的。 海德堡 EMBL 实验室的 Duss ...
BK polyomavirus, or BKPyV, is a major cause of kidney transplant failure. There are no effective drugs to treat BKPyV. Research at the University of Alabama at Birmingham reveals new aspects of BKPyV ...