An American tries to protect a group of Chinese students and prostitutes from Japanese soldiers in 1937 Nanjing.
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
This year marks the 85th death anniversary of Bethune, who died of blood poisoning at the age of 49 on Nov. 12, 1939 in China ...
转基因 、基因编辑育种是生物育种的重要方面,也是迄今为止全球发展速度最快、应用范围最广、产业影响最大的现代生物育种技术。 今年是全球生物技术投入实际应用的第43年,也是生物技术作物商业化的第29年。截至2024年12月,已有30多个国家批准了转基因作物的种植。