is based on a manga that is largely illustrated in black and white. This means, for one reason or another, a character's colors as the author had envisioned them aren't readily apparent.
After the amazingly insightful news that Brian Dennehy will be playing Batman, we think we know who almost every other ...
Let's take a look at the strongest characters in the anime based on their influence, fighting prowess, impact, and ability to adapt to different circumstances. Only characters who have been ...
We've already heard that Clint Barton's brother Barney, aka the villainous Trickshot, might be set to debut in season 2 of ...
Discover the story behind Handel’s ‘Messiah’ which traces the life of Jesus Christ and is one of the greatest choral works of all time. Messiah was born when Handel’s experimental nature ...
Will the Dune franchise continue after Denis Villeneuve's Messiah adaptation? We're hearing that Warner Bros. has plans for ...