Hospital Corpsman Billy Bui said his sense of duty comes from his grandfather, who risked everything to help his family flee ...
A petition calling for the National Medal of Honor Museum to include a dedicated exhibit for Air Force Master Sgt. John Chapman has revived longstanding criticism that the Navy SEAL community ...
A year later, the prep course has not only sent over 90% of its recruits to boot camp, but six have gone on to be Honor Grads ... training soon at the Navy Hospital Corpsman “A” School ...
John Levitow, shown here in 1996, was the first enlisted airman to receive the Medal of Honor, earning the award ... from civil engineering to the U.S. Navy and finally, on June 6, 1966 ...
Despite its heroic stand, not one member of the 3rd Division was awarded the Medal of Honor throughout World War I, but that would change in the next conflict. Not only would the 3rd produce 61 ...
Driven by "curiosity," a U.S. Navy corpsman attempted to access President Biden's medical records last year following a group discussion with his colleagues about military security protocols for ...
Secreatary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro ... position,” reads Carpenter’s biography on the Congressional Medal of Honor Society website. Former President Barack Obama awarded Carpenter the ...
Soledad National Veterans Memorial to honor the heroism of Vietnam veteran retired Navy Cmdr. Clyde E. Lassen, who was awarded the Medal of Honor. The dedication ceremony is set for 1 p.m. Jan.
22-year-old Navy Corpsman Maxton Soviak was killed in action in August of 2021. The foundation was started by his parents in his honor to link veterans and their families to services tailored to ...
“Finding out about the Medal of Honor and the battles has made him a real person in all our lives, including my own grandchildren. We’re flabbergasted at the strength and fortitude these men ...
Friends and family, including 85 members of the Army West Point Swim Team, three Medal of Honor recipients and the commanding general of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), were in ...