In this randomized study the combination of tilt training and lifestyle modyfication was not superior to aggressive lifestyle modification alone, in young patients with neurocardiogenic syncope.
Objective To determine the benefit of midodrine, an α agonist, on symptom frequency and haemodynamic responses during head up tilt in patients with neurocardiogenic syncope. Setting Cardiovascular ...
For some decades, after the introduction of the head-up tilt test into clinical practice, the clinical presentation of vasovagal syncope (VVS) has been classified as typical (or classical) and ...
There are at least 15 different types of primary dysautonomia, the most common of which are neurocardiogenic syncope (NCS) and POTS. An inherited form of dysautonomia, known as Riley-Day syndrome, was ...
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Meditation and yoga are powerful tools for healing. They reduce stress and inflammation. These practices improve cognitive function and emotional regulation. They complement medical treatments for ...