A new way to study 3D maps of galaxies in the cosmos without compressing the data is revealing new information about the dark ...
The year was 1900 and Max Planck was a young physicist working on the problem of blackbody radiation . This was an intense ...
"The Hubble tension is now a Hubble crisis." The mystery of the Hubble tension has deepened with the startling finding that ...
Scientists are revolutionizing our understanding of the universe’s most mysterious component: dark matter, the invisible ...
A new computational method gleans more information than its predecessors from maps showing how galaxies are clustered and threaded throughout the universe.
The universe expands...through what? Experts might have a suggestion. Expansion may be happening at a faster rate than ...
A new computational method gleans more information than  its predecessors from maps showing how galaxies are clustered and threaded throughout the universe.
or ΛCDM—relies on hypothesized dark energy to explain the accelerating expansion of the universe. However, one competing theory known as “timescape cosmology” suggests that many ...
For decades, scientists believed gravity would slow cosmic expansion, but in a surprising twist, they found the opposite: expansion is speeding up. Dark energy is the suspected culprit, but what is it ...
Enter dark energy. It’s one of the most debated and intriguing missing puzzle pieces of modern physics – a mysterious form of energy believed to uniformly permeate all of space. In the current ...
A "cosmic CT scan" performed by scientists using two very different cosmic surveys has revealed the cosmos is less clumpy and ...