Step into a world of symbolic meaning with the 'A Year With Blessings' exhibition, featuring 133 pieces of traditional ...
Experience the powerful works of Li Xiangqun, a renowned Chinese sculptor, in his first solo exhibition. Through a series of ...
随着国际文化交流活动日益频繁,国际礼仪和礼品已是传达彼此友好的重要纽带。书法艺术品成了中外交流的重要礼仪和礼物,它携带书法艺术的基因和种子,到不同语言里繁衍和成长,将成为全人类共同的文化遗产和精神财富。With the increasingly ...
From the Ice Lantern Festival to the impressive Harbin Ice-Snow World, Chinese ice sculpting has become a major draw for visitors from all over the world. Standing beneath the towering sculptures, ...
乙巳蛇年,首个世界非遗版春节就在眼前啦! 上海这座充满活力的城市已经为全球的入境游客准备好了一场精彩的文化艺术之旅。夜晚,上海地标点位的灯光点亮,绚丽建筑投影秀同步上映,视觉盛宴开启,城市的夜空点亮,一起来做“追光者”。
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
一年一度的“仙境花海”又和大家见面啦春节假期快去绝不踩雷 没错广州市最大的园林盛会 第32届广州园林博览会 给大家带来了春节的第一份浪漫Swipe up for the English reportThe largest horticultural ...
Snake soup is considered the commoner’s tonic and a specialty in Cantonese cuisine. Ser Wong Fun was founded in 1895 in Nanhai District, Guangdong. After relocating to Gilman’s Bazaar in Central in 19 ...