Following a 7,000-mile-long rescue mission for conservation, 33 tiny Southern Darwin’s frogs ( Rhinoderma darwinii) were born ...
The nocturnal creature sits on the moss-covered rocks, but then, at the first sign of danger, it leaps into the water. The frogs belong to a group called torrent frogs — and they were just discovered ...
ZooKeys The new species is a “small dendrobatid frog,” meaning a brightly colored poison dart, or poison arrow frog, according to the study. The frog is “uniformly brown” on its back ...
There are hundreds of species of frog in the world, each with unique and wondrous features that set it apart from others like ...
Endangered male Southern Darwin’s frogs have successfully given birth to 33 young frogs in the UK.This uses a unique method ...
Epipedobates are species of poisonous frogs found in dry and humid tropical forests on the western side of the Andes in ...