The gyaru subculture originated in Shibuya, Tokyo in the 1990s as a reaction to the "good girl" standards expected of Japanese women at the time. Gyaru are known for being: Cheerful, Loud, Strong, ...
A Serene Arctic Wonderland Greenland may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of travel hotspots, but ...
Rantanen, who has accumulated 92, 105 and 104 points in his past three seasons with the Avs, is on pace for his finest ...
A community in southern Madagascar has pulled together to save thousands of critically endangered tortoises that were swept away from their sanctuary and left swimming for their lives in floods ...
Carlisle, Pa., got its name from Carlisle, England. But at least five towns got their names from the Pennsylvania borough.
What do Mormon pioneers and Caitlyn Jenner have in common? Besides a tendency towards backwards beliefs and manslaughter, ...
It’s understandable that GTA, a series all about organised crime, takes place in urban areas. Think of the great crime TV ...
The seething seaside scene swinging to this ancient panlogo beats was James Town, a fishing community in Accra, the capital ...
including limiting lighting in public and commercial buildings by at least 30% and energy-intensive businesses operating during off-peak hours. Recean also said the country was pursuing ...
We pay tribute to the best examples of the most disposable movie type of all: January movies, often dropped into obscurity.
He suffered “painful injuries” but his group was well prepared for the conditions and made sure he was medicated and insulated. The eighteen team members from the Edale Mountain Rescue Team (MRT) ...