On Thursday, Judge Mark Urioste sentenced Barrientos-Perez to 500 years 4 months to life, and Randolfo Vasquez to 485 years to life after a nearly six-week trial, prosecutors said.
FOLLY BEACH, S.C. (WCBD) – A new drone show on Folly Beach was canceled Tuesday night after the drones malfunctioned and fell from the sky. Organizers completed two drone displays before they ...
At least five drone shows have been canceled, or have paused the use of the systems, after several drones struck a crowd at a holiday show in Orlando on December 21. It is unclear which companies ...
Queensland Police said the officer “lost” the Taser during an on-foot operation, aimed at stopping stolen vehicles in Queensland’s Far North. The weapon’s holster broke and the Taser fell ...
Police are appealing for public help to locate a bright yellow taser lost by an officer while jumping fences in Mooroobool during an operation to track and disrupt a stolen car. Far North Chief ...