A screen for proteins that interact with β2-syntrophin led to the isolation of MAST205 (microtubule-associated serine/threonine kinase-205 kD) and a newly identified homologue, SAST (syntrophin ...
Ivermectin, on the other hand, reduces the production of STAT3 and IL-6 by inhibiting p21 activated kinase (PAK1), an oncogenic serine threonine kinase. The efficacy of this medicine was proven in ...
Upstream reactivation of associated proteins such as Aurora Kinase A (AURKA), a serine/threonine kinase essentially involved in mitosis and DNA repair, has been shown to facilitate effector activation ...
Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) is a receptor tyrosine kinase first identified in a chromosomal translocation associated with some anaplastic large cell lymphomas (ALCL), a subset of T-cell non ...
4). We used two different antibodies directed against the serine 396 site (S396) and the threonine 231 (T231) to investigate co-localization with different p-Tau epitopes. Quantifying the percentage ...