The cause of CAS remains unknown, but contributing factors include the presence of valves, musculoskeletal constriction as the cephalic vein traverses ... provide a durable solution due to the ...
The FD was delivered using a coaxial system (6 Fr Envoy and Headway 21/27; MicroVention) over a 0.016 inch Terumo microguidewire. The pusher facilitated stent retraction and repositioning, provided no ...
Drug-eluting stents are widely used to mitigate this issue but often inhibit vascular re-endothelialization, increasing the risk of thrombosis and necessitating the use of anticoagulants.
Advancements in the field of endovascular medicine made available other options for the treatment of this condition. Covered stents are widely available and offer preservation of the parent artery ...