Lynn Forester de Rothschild said that ESG investing to push companies to treat the environment and workers better is no ...
Researchers using the Event Horizon Telescope have significantly advanced our understanding of the supermassive black hole at ...
蒋振邦,男,广西桂林人 ,中国羽毛球运动员。 蒋振邦2001年5月在桂林出生,祖籍灌阳县,小名“邦仔”。2007年,他参加市羽毛球训练俱乐部,师从教练刘忠兴、胡宁。教练胡宁评价其身体条件较好,脑子灵,有羽毛球运动天赋。 蒋振邦11岁时,被选拔输送至 ...
The Justice Committee has named 367 people to present oral submissions on the Treaty Principles Bill, with a further 112 ...
从七八岁起,梁伟铿就开始练习羽毛球,最初是受爸爸的影响,10岁左右被选入广州体育职业技术学院开始系统训练,后来师从卢日初。广州羽毛球队总教练杨新芳至今还记得,梁伟铿刚进队时胖墩墩的,但体科所各项指标测试显示条件还不错,留了下来。 2015年 ...
Add articles to your saved list and come back to them any time. Dr Keith Suter is a foreign policy expert of 50 years standing, with a special interest in the Middle East. His first degree was in ...
The Justice Committee has decided a list of submitters who will be invited to make oral submissions on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill. This is the primary list of invitees. Further ...
Goodman School of Business in the news and commentary from Goodman faculty on recent topics of interest.
A Goodman MBA will provide you with the academic knowledge, real world experience and the confidence to use your skills to make a difference. You’ll be adaptive and relevant, ready for any challenge ...