The trailer for the film debuted yesterday evening. Abul Hayat stars in sufi-inspired ‘Miche Duniya’ Veteran actor Abul Hayat has made a notable appearance in the music video for “Miche ...
Smile Food Products, a concern of Abul Khair Group that started operations last year, imported 1,992 tonnes of crude soybean in July this year, 2,579 tonnes in August, 3,372 tonnes in September, and 1 ...
Police have detained a woman who came along with the leader who died, identified as Abul Nasar, 34, an influential leader in the Amdanga area in North 24 Parganas district, to the hotel for ...
Sooner or later, every professional writer gets hit on the head with this question: Whom (or what) do you write for? If other writers wince, and I am sure some of them do, they manage to hide it ...