北京时间12月4日,我国申报的“春节——中国人庆祝传统新年的社会实践”在巴拉圭亚松森举行的联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会第19届常会上通过评审,列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。The United Nations ...
To cater to people's new-found interest in culture, China registered 268 new museums in 2023, bringing the total number of museums in the country to 6,833. More than 90 percent of these museums offer ...
Nathanael Dwight Pelton, also known by his Chinese name Su Ping, is an American who has lived in China for 19 years. A teacher at Suzhou Foreign Language School, he believes that "knowledge is found n ...
今年春夏之交,热爱徒步的他,跟随“Path Seekers 问道中国”徒步小组,走进古蜀道。“走最地道的古道,了解最地道的中国文化”,临行前他对家人说,“当然,还有最地道的美食——火锅!” ...
“簪花”这一源自福建的非物质文化遗产,如今已风靡全国,并与汉服相得益彰,成为俊男靓女们的心头好。小桥流水、古色古香,济南曲水亭街的景致与汉服簪花的搭配相得益彰,成为了一处备受追捧的网红打卡地。法国姑娘金童(Zoe)在山东生活学习的几年时间里深深爱上了 ...
"The Rising Clouds, Blooming Flower," a joint art project initiated by renowned film director Wong Kar-wai and the ...
In Santa Barbara, California, a strong-willed but loving single mother raises her teenage son with the help of two unconventional young women during the summer of 1979. At the dawn of World War II, a ...
LocatedintheheartoftheTaklamakanDesertinXinjiang,China,theNiyaRuinsareknownasthePompeiioftheEast.Theyhavebeenconfirmedasthesi ...