Felix Mantilla, who played 11 years in the big leagues and was a member of the original 1962 Mets, died this week. He was 90. Mantilla spent six seasons with the Milwaukee Braves, but his impact ...
Earlier this week in Franklin, a woman with dementia was found dead near her own home after ... and decreased daylight in the winter can cause confusion and feelings of anxiety or restlessness.
The Walking Dead: Dead City premiered on June 18th, 2023. It followed the story of Maggie and Negan traveling to New York City in order to get back her kidnapped son. Season 2 for the series is ...
If you want to get a taste of Dead By Daylight‘s latest Killer or try out the new perks, then you might just get in a new patch early if you access the game’s Public Test Build (PTB).
In approximately two months, Californians will Spring Forward, a phrase that describes the annual time when many people nationwide set their clocks an hour ahead as part of daylight saving time.