It's been almost 10 years since the final series of Downton Abbey aired on our television screens. The historical drama series, set between 1912 and 1926, follows the lives of the Crawley family ...
Downton Abbey: A New Era, the second and latest motion picture, released in 2022, returns to screens tonight (December 25) at 9pm on ITV and sees the Crawleys set off for a south of France adventure ...
To date, a total of six series of Downton Abbey have aired as well as two feature-length movies. Last year The Sun exclusively revealed how Imelda Staunton won’t feature in the next instalment.
The absence of the late Dame Maggie Smith, who played Lady Violet and passed away this September, will be keenly felt in Downton Abbey 3. Fans are curious about how the series will fare without ...
Fans of “Downton Abbey” were devastated when Maggie Smith, aka the Dowager Countess, died in September. Smith had starred in both the TV series and in both movies, with the Countess character ...
They’ll give a hat-tip to her in the movie. The upcoming “Downton Abbey” movie will include a tribute to Maggie Smith, who died at 89 in September. Smith played the iconic Dowager Countess ...