Toofani Saroj, a veteran politician and father of MP Priya Saroj, boasts a net worth of ₹6.55 crore, highlighting his wealth from assets like agricultural land and residential properties.
Here’s how it works. Testing the best MP3 players is no trivial matter. Most of these palm-held players are actually hi-res audio streamers now, boasting exceptional sound through advanced ...
OTTAWA - Newfoundland MP Gudie Hutchings says she’s not planning to run in the next federal election. Hutchings, who was first elected as a Liberal in 2015, is the minister of rural economic ...
After 20 years, the value of an MP’s pension would be £735,000, giving them an annual income of £25,822. The average person would have to work 52 years to save the same amount. Laith Khalaf of AJ Bell ...