From 'Asura' to 'Midnight Diner', here are some of the best Japanese series on Netflix, spanning different genres, that are a must-watch.
仁平菜月(日语:にだいら なつき ,1998年7月12日-),日本女子羽毛球运动员。 2015年11月,仁平菜月出战世界青年羽毛球锦标赛个人赛中的女子单打项目,在半决赛中以15-21、21-16、14-21的成绩不敌来自马来西亚的李盈盈,获得铜牌。 2017年12月,仁平菜月出战 ...
Two inseparable friends move to Kyoto to chase their dreams of becoming maiko, but decide to pursue different passions while living under the same roof.
Directed by Miki Takahiro, ‘Drawing Closer’ is based on the best-selling book by Ao Morita. A bonafide tearjerker, it explores the love that blooms between two people, Akito Hayasaka (Ren Nagase) and ...
When Aihara Ame was a high school student in Nagasaki, she wasn’t confident in herself due to her past. Asano Taiyo was a student attending the same school as Aihara Ame. He was the only person ...
Japanese trumpeter and composer NATSUKI TAMURAsplits his active performing career between his homelandand the United States. Internationally recognized for hisability to blend a unique vocabulary of ...