There is a psychological term that I first heard from Rav Aharon Darmon, which I believe is especially relevant for us today: PTG – Post-Traumatic Growth – a positive change that occurs as a result of ...
Sforno has an important comment: Grammatically, Moshe’s name suggests that he will be the one to remove others from danger, rather than referring to his being saved from the waters.
When Hashem calls Moses to confront Pharaoh and lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses responds with an expression of self-doubt: “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should take the ...
It appears that the Israelites began assimilating into Egyptian culture. They started attending their arts and entertainment events. Egyptian sports arenas and cultural pastimes became popular ...
While the events of our lives are commonly beyond our control, the way we interpret them—and how we choose to react to them—are abilities within our own mind. This teaching echoes through the story of ...
Rabbi Dov Lando, head of the Slabodka Yeshiva and a leader of the Lithuanian-haredi community, sent a message to other yeshiva deans to emphasize the importance of Torah learning in protecting the ...