In Parshat Vayechi, Yaakov Avinu blesses his son Yissachar, comparing him to a donkey: “Yissachar is a strong donkey, lying between the saddlebags. He saw that rest was good and the land was ...
Rick Lupert, a poet, songleader and graphic designer, is the author of 28 books including “God Wrestler: A Poem for Every Torah Portion.” Visit him at ...
This connection to the people’s suffering is central to Moses’ leadership. Five times in this parsha, Hashem makes it clear that He is not merely aware of the Israelites’ pain; He feels it.
Q: We learned in this past week’s Torah portion, Parshat Vayechi, about Jacob’s blessings to his sons, and to Ephraim and Manasseh. From this, we see that blessings have power. But one could ...
As he flipped through its pages, the smell of smoke still clinging to them, he landed on Shapira’s teaching for Parshat Vayechi, the Torah portion read this past week at synagogues around the world.
COLlive presents a guest Erev Shabbos gallery by photographer Binyamin Zilberstrom: the sights and scenes of preparations on Friday for Shabbos Parshas Vayechi in the holy city of Jerusalem. Photos ...
The haftarah (reading from the Prophets) of this week’s Torah portion, Vayechi (“And he lived”), invites us to compare and contrast the last will and testament of King David with that of our ...
In Parshat Vayechi, Yaakov summons his children to his death bed so he can bless them one last time. He gives a unique blessing to each son. Every bracha is poetic and prophetic, reflecting the ...