本文转自:上观新闻FollowusSwipeforChineseversionQ1:WhatisaTemporaryDrivingPermit?Atemporarydrivingpermitreferstotheshort-termmotorvehi ...
A deep dive into China's evolving industrial and import landscapes over the past 23 years helps reveal China's growth pains ...
China's auto production rose 11.1 percent year on year to 3.44 million units in November 2024, while sales climbed 11.7 ...
Although the trade-in subsidies have only been in place for a short time, they are having a much bigger effect on boosting sales than the vehicle scrapping ones, said Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of ...
仔细看看图中的这款功率音频放大器 (图1),它可以追溯到1961年。这张图片是从一个YouTube视频中截取的,在那个视频里名为“The Spotnicks”的乐队正在演奏他们自己版本的“Ghost Riders In The Sky”。
SHANGHAI, Dec. 10 (Xinhua) -- Volvo Cars has extended its contract with the China Golf Association and the DP World Tour to title sponsor, operate and promote the China Open for the next five years.
在刚刚落幕的2024年美国血液学会(ASH)年会上,西湖大学与西湖凝聚体研究团队凭借突破性的ProteanFect核酸递送系统,成功进行了题为"Efficient Generation of CAR-T by the First Coacervate ...
CT0590 IIT概念验证研究结果已于太平洋标准时间2024年12月9日下午6:00–下午 8:00,在第66届ASH年会上进行壁报展示,标题为「CT0590:一种靶向BCMA和 ...