The SH Group collective agreement expired on September 30, 2022. The terms and conditions in our current collective agreement will remain the same until we reach a new agreement.
“10、9、8、7、6、5、4、3、2、1!新年快乐!”2024年最后十秒,京津冀三地民众通过连线方式齐声共数,隔空互赠祝福,迎接新年到来。 2024年最后一晚,京津冀三地首次联动举办跨年倒计时活动。极具地方特色和艺术性的精彩演出在北京首钢园、天津南开区 ...
Among the long list of complaints, people on the social media platform also raised there were barely any 'new' games, with some begging producers: 'Don't come back for a new season'. Fans took to X, ...