Toei Animation brought the manga to life on Fuji TV in October 1999. The One Piece anime is a long-running series itself, boasting over 1,000 episodes as of writing. The anime has been airing for ...
One Piece is one of the most popular manga in the world. The series, which is written and drawn by creator Eiichiro Oda, follows rubbery hero Monkey D Luffy and his crew (known as the Straw Hat ...
Microsoft has been working on dynamic animated wallpapers for Windows 11 for a few years, and now a former designer has revealed exactly what they look like. Sergey Kisselev, a former motion ...
Unfortunately, dynamic wallpapers as a feature is yet to actually ship for Windows 11, suggesting the feature may have been canceled, or at the very least postponed.
One Piece Chapter 1135 introduces a new, exciting character, so here’s what to expect from the upcoming installment. However, the surprises are far from over. In the previous chapter ...
It's animated by Studio Trigger, one of the best animation studios in anime today, and is filled with charm, heart, and neon vibes. Key art for Neon Genesis Evangelion, showing Shinji and Rei in a ...
One Piece chapter 1135 raw scans were expected to further showcase the Owl Library and Walrus Academy locations, being what the Straw Hats are currently exploring. Unofficially released earlier ...