The APU Brand - Azusa Pacific University
Azusa Pacific University recently introduced a set of unified athletic marks, including a Cougar and a new “AP” logo with a modern design twist to build even greater affinity among students, alumni, faculty, staff, and the broader community.
The center of the Azusa Pacific visual identity is our logo (the cross rocks). The stylized “A” is comprised of four stones, which refer to the Cornerstones upon which Azusa Pacific is built: Christ, Scholarship, Community, and Service .
The primary element of the Azusa Pacific Universityidentification system is the logo or trademark. It consists of three integrated parts: 1. The mark, a stylized “A” 2. The logotype, “Azusa Pacific University;” “Azusa Pacific” in the letterform Helvetica Black, “University” in the letterform Helvetica Regular 3.
APU Traditions - Azusa Pacific University
At the same time, the Cougar claw mark and AP athletic logo were introduced, and a new legacy of Cougar athletics began. Azusa Pacific University 901 E. Alosta Avenue
A Top Christian College in Southern California - Azusa Pacific …
Azusa Pacific University, one of the top Christian Colleges in the nation, is a private Christian university located near Los Angeles in Southern California. Experience APU at a One Day Event! Skip to main content
About Azusa Pacific
Learn about Azusa Pacific University, a comprehensive Christian university near Los Angeles, offering 150+ degree programs. Explore our history, mission, and commitment to faith and learning. Experience APU at a One Day Event!
The center of the Azusa Pacific visual identity is our logo (the cross rocks). The stylized “A” comprises four stones, which refer to the Cornerstones upon which Azusa Pacific is built: Christ, Scholarship, Community, and Service .
Special Education, MAEd, and Ed Specialist Credential - APU
2024年11月22日 · Earn an MA in Education: Special Education and Mild to Moderate Support Needs Education Specialist Credential at Azusa Pacific University
APU Introduces New Athletic Marks, Including Cougar Mascot
2024年8月21日 · For the first time in APU history, its celebrated athletic programs will have a cohesive set of unified athletic marks, including a Cougar and a new “AP” logo with a modern design twist to build even greater affinity among students, …
What We Believe - Azusa Pacific University
Azusa Pacific University is an institution built on four cornerstones: Christ, Scholarship, Community, and Service. These four components define why APU exists.