Eating raw eggs... | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
2010年9月24日 · Just clean your coop on a regular basis and you'll be FINE. My family is from southeast Asia and they have a chicken coop bigger than their house. I know all about eating the raw eggs on top of rice, been eating it since I was a kid and never have I once had any type of food-borne illness. Typing this made me want to have some bimbimbap.
EATING RAW EGGS | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
2013年1月29日 · Raw eggs you put in cakes, etc and it gets cooked. Eating raw eggs can make you sick, and even if you think your flock is healthy, they can have a disease that you could get. If you cook the protein shake, sure.. any experts in cooking please correct me.
Another question about eating your chicken eggs - raw eggs
2023年1月11日 · All egg Products sold in the u.s. are pasteurized, but not all eggs are. You are much less likely to get salmonella, etc. from your own raw backyard eggs as opposed to raw non-pasteurized eggs from the grocery store, but it's not a good idea to eat raw eggs from any source unless they are pasteurized.
Raw meat and chickens | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
2008年12月18日 · All my animals eat raw meat. My cats, dogs and chickens. The chickens go for the mice so I never feel bad about giving them raw meat with raw bone. My chickens LOVE fish. I give them smelts and they are HUNGRY for it. They don't get too much fish and with the small amount they've had, their eggs taste wonderful!!
Sick Dog, Eaten Raw Chicken this Morning - BackYard Chickens
2009年5月25日 · Raw food diets are EXCELLENT for most dogs, but I always recommend one educate themselves beforehand, and use a digestive enhancer to help dogs starting out avoid gastric upsets that can result from the lack of the intestinal flora needed for proper digestion of raw fresh foods.
Raw Feeding for Dogs Using BARF - BackYard Chickens
2024年8月29日 · For muscle meat, you can use pretty much any raw meat, ground beef, chicken, turkey, venison, and even fish. Examples of raw bone may be poultry feet, poultry necks, and poultry legs and wings. It is a good idea to switch up the meat and raw bones you use every once in awhile to keep a varied diet and make sure your dog is getting all the vital ...
Can Chickens Eat Oats/Oatmeal? All You Need To Know
2021年11月17日 · You can feed your chickens raw oatmeal. Take note of their reactions. If it appears that they enjoy eating it, continue doing so. Alternatively, you can add water to the oatmeal. Mix your oatmeal with warm water. In addition to softening the oats, it gives them a different texture than raw oats.
Chicken hurt by raccoon-safe to eat? - BackYard Chickens
2013年4月3日 · It's why it is so important to cook chicken thoroughly and avoid contaminating other surfaces in your kitchen with chicken juices, but that doesn't keep most folks from eating chicken. Think about hunting techniques. A hunter shoots a duck and then the hunter's dog fishes it out of the water and carries it back to the hunter in its mouth. OMG!
Can chickens eat raw potato peelings or lettuce
2012年6月30日 · If chickens are getting the bulk of their diet from laying hen pellets, then they won't overeat on the questionable items. However, you don't want to feed them quantities of food that they can't or won't finish, and that will make a mess of your yard (that's why I have a compost pile in my chicken run. They shred what they don't eat.
Can I feed raw fish to chickens? - BackYard Chickens
2009年5月27日 · This is just me advocating good chicken health. I agree with cutting off the freezer burned parts and feeding/eating what is edible to reduce food waste where possible.That is a noble ambition overall. Better to ere on the side of caution with the delicate digestive system of birds than to deal with health problems later. Again, just MHO!!