New Zealand birds A - Z: Native animal conservation
From albatrosses to yellowheads, learn more about some of New Zealand's native birds. Call our emergency hotline 0800 DOC HOT ( 0800 362 468 ) immediately if you see anyone catching, …
New Zealand birds: Native animal conservation - Department of …
Learn how to plan and plant a garden to attract native birds. These species-specific programmes protect our native wildlife. We coordinate the banding of birds within New Zealand. Find out …
New Zealand forest and mountain birds: Birds - Department of …
Find out about the forest and mountain birds of New Zealand, and what we are doing to protect and restore these native bird populations. The melodious bellbird is still widespread but …
New Zealand sea and shore birds: Birds - Department of …
New Zealand is famous for its land birds like the kiwi and kākāpō. But just as remarkable and unique are the seabirds. More than a third of the 80 or so species of seabirds that breed in …
New Zealand wetland and river birds: Birds - Department of …
Many New Zealand bird species live around our wetlands and rivers. The endangered matuku-hūrepo inhabits wetlands throughout New Zealand. DOC is focusing on developing methods …
Kākāpō: New Zealand native land birds - Department of …
The kākāpō is a nocturnal, flightless parrot. And its strangeness doesn't end there. It's critically endangered and one of New Zealand’s unique treasures.
Identify ten common birds - Department of Conservation
DOC’s free bird identification course for beginners to help you master identifying ten common forest birds and their songs. It takes 5–10 minutes per bird to complete. This interactive guide …
Kea: New Zealand native land birds - Department of Conservation
The endangered kea is one of the most intelligent birds in the world. This unique problem-solving parrot was crowned Bird of the Year in 2017. Population: 1,000–5,000 estimated
Kiwi: New Zealand native land birds - Department of Conservation
The kiwi is a unique and curious bird: it cannot fly, has loose, hair-like feathers, strong legs and no tail. Learn more about the kiwi, the national icon of New Zealand and unofficial national emblem.
Blue duck/whio: Wetland and river birds - Department of …
Learn about our iconic blue duck/whio, that's only found in New Zealand and faces a risk of becoming extinct. Population: Under 3,000 New Zealand status: Endemic