Course of action for hard water? Reverse osmosis? Water …
2022年9月6日 · I did RO and then got a portable RV water softener and it has worked well for me so far. Here’s my RO post so you can take a look. Post in thread 'Reverse Osmosis' Reverse Osmosis And some more. This one also has discussion about water softener Post in thread 'Ph after water softener First readings' Ph after water softener First readings
Turnover - Necessary or not? - Trouble Free Pool
2019年4月11日 · So a filter cake with contaminates actually perform better at filtration than a fresh cake. Now I never said the filter would purify the water. Due to the great porosity counts will pass thru the filter. Even Reverse osmosis filters are not and cannot be used to remove bacteria although like your pool filter the filtered side will post lower ...
The Free Chlorine and Cyanuric Acid Relationship
2024年7月20日 · If your FC level drops too low in your pool, you risk allowing algae to grow. The more stabilizer present in your water, the more free chlorine you need to sanitize your pool effectively. Maintaining proper levels of FC according to CYA keeps your water safe and clear without using ineffective, expensive chemicals like algaecides.
Use well water for fill and autofill? | Trouble Free Pool
2009年6月12日 · The filter I am using is no ordinary run of the mill filter it is the cx90 ceramic water filter and it dose remove iron, calcium and a whole lot more. The cx90 ceramic cartridge is both cleanable and replaceable. The unbreakable polycarbonate housing stops particulates down to …
How to lower CH - Trouble Free Pool
2013年4月12日 · You CAN use it as refill water as the load will not be so much by doing just a little at a time. Keep your pH from 7.2 - 7.4 and you should see no calcium scale and your CH will eventually drop if you refill with softened water. If you decide to …
CYA over 200 - Trouble Free Pool
2012年7月13日 · Given the 2 tests it is likely your CYA is actually high, so you could start replacing water while waiting for your test kit. Based on your location, I am throwing this out there, the ONLY alternative to drain/refill, is Reverse Osmosis treatment on your pool. I am pretty sure this is available in your area. But, it does likely cost at least $300.
Triton II Sand Filter Emitting Dirty Water Through Returns
2012年5月17日 · When you backwash, the filter works in reverse, and can trap dirt between the pool and the sand. When you go back to normal operation, the dirt goes into the pool. With a multiport valve, you set it to rinse after backwashing and this dirty water goes out the waste line. With your valve, it has to go into the pool.
Water is bypassing cartridge filter - Trouble Free Pool
2014年6月3日 · When I leave the filter running over night, in the morning if I take the cap off the cartridge housing, it's only about 20% full of water. The pressure gauge isn't abnormal. I was able to fix this once by closing a valve to the pool for a split second to make the pressure spike.
dichlor vs calcium hypochlorite | Trouble Free Pool
2011年5月26日 · Calcium hypochlorite adds calcium to the water in addition to chlorine. Pools do need some calcium, but too much is problematic and requires a partial drain and refill or a reverse osmosis treatment to lower calcium levels. Dichlor/trichlor adds CYA to the chlorine.
How long can the pool stay empty | Trouble Free Pool
2016年2月21日 · The water weight is keeping it in the ground. Not sure its official name, but we have a long covered tube next to pool which we could lower a pump to try and drain the ground water first before attempting a full drain, but that would need to be done by pool builder, or it would void our warranty. Another option is to find a pool osmosis company.