MSA vs Sordin | Sniper's Hide Forum
2020年12月22日 · The 3 Ear Pros that is worth buying is the Sordin Prox X, Peltor Comtacs and the Ops Core. Buddy is USAFSOC and was issued all 3, and currently wears the Ops Inc as they are his favorite. Anyone who says their howard lights or other cheap crap works fine doesn't know what they are talking about.
Bad experience with MSA Sordin Ear Muffs | Sniper's Hide Forum
Hello All Everywhere on the web I read how most people love the MSA Sordin Electronic Tactical Hearing protectors. I had a bad experience I want to post and maybe warn others. It is only my direct personal experience so take it as you will. I received a pair of MSA Sordin’s Supreme...
Is there any real difference in electronic ear protection anymore?
2021年9月19日 · It seems that this technology has matured and one electronic set of ears works pretty much like another. Are there any high-end ear pros that are really superior? Or is it just the additional features such as, Bluetooth and built-in streaming?
Over head vs behind head ear pro | Sniper's Hide Forum
2017年2月18日 · Edit to add: need some opinion on over the head vs behind the head band. I need to get some over the ear protection and was leaning towards the MSA Supreme Pro but ran across the Swatcom Active 8. Anyone got experience between these two? The swatcoms look like they are made by Sordin but I...
highest quality hearing protection? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2019年10月14日 · looking for in ear and outer ear. ive seen the otto's and theyre nearly 500$ just wanting to make sure theyre the best before spending that kind of cash
Electronic ear protection - Sniper's Hide
2020年1月26日 · Sordin Supreme's since 2004. I've had others in that time, including a set of Tactical Hearing (the $5000 model) in ear that were professionally molded, but the 2 pair i've had over 15 years have been great. I don't care for in ear protection because it makes me feel like I have a head cold with my ears plugged.
Precision Rifle Gear 2022 Hearing Protection - Which Ones???
2022年10月26日 · I have used the Sordin Supreme Pro-X for years and this past year got Safariland Liberator 2.0.....both with gel cups. The Safarilands have a nice voice prompt to inform as to which of 3-ear protection modes you are using; battery compartment has a simple lever throw mechanism; can be upgraded for their Com-systems.
MSA Sordin Supreme Pro X ear protection | Sniper's Hide Forum
2010年5月3日 · Ive read alot of reviews and im pretty sure these are the pair im going to get. i just have some questions im having trouble finding the answers to. I wanted to see if anyone here had any experience with these. i mostly want to know if the behind the neck model stays on …
Accessories - WTB: Sordin supreme pro x ear protection.
2023年9月5日 · Looking for some sordin ear pro if anyone has some laying around they aren't using. I'd prefer the behind-the-head tension vs the over the top of the head but not a huge deal. Thank you
Hearing protection for indoors and outdoors? - Sniper's Hide
2022年2月28日 · The benefit to electronic is that you get maximum protection but can still have a conversation or hear subtle noises like twigs breaking while hunting for example. If more protection is needed, you can add over the ear static muffs and still hear a conversation and most electronic in ear has some sort of volume control. The Otto's have two levels.