Stainless Piping Systems Inc.
Stainless Piping Systems believes the timely execution of field installation is crucial to project success and client satisfaction. To ensure this belief is always met, SPS will assemble up to 75% of a piping system in house, minimizing on field square …
About « Stainless Piping Systems Inc.
Stainless Piping Systems Inc. (SPS) services a wide range of customers and industries. As delicate as 1/8” O.D. tubing to as large as 36” diameter pipe, our skilled craftsmen provide the products to meet our customers’ requirements.
Fabrication « Stainless Piping Systems Inc.
At Stainless Piping Systems, we are dedicated to excellence. Our customers expect that and we expect it from ourselves. Our thorough and comprehensive attention to detail insures each and every job ends with a satisfied customer.
Projects « Stainless Piping Systems Inc.
Richmond Hill Apotex. Based on a proven track record at the many Apotex locations, Canada’s largest pharmaceutical company called on SPS to design, fabricate, and install 4 miles of intricate piping when they built their new location.
Services « Stainless Piping Systems Inc.
Experienced in large scale projects involving 17+ miles of stainless piping, our team can install documented and traceable systems ranging from purified water, water for injection, clean steam, clean compressed air, clean in place, product piping, and all required process drainage piping.
Design « Stainless Piping Systems Inc.
Stainless Piping Systems has a dedicated team of experienced professional engineers and CanBIM affiliated mechanical designers committed to the successful completion of every project, no matter the size.
Installation « Stainless Piping Systems Inc.
Stainless Piping Systems believes the timely execution of field installation is crucial to project success and client satisfaction. To ensure this belief is always met SPS will assemble up to 75% of a piping system in house, minimizing on field square …
Contact « Stainless Piping Systems Inc.
Stainless Piping Systems. 21 Steinway Blvd. Unit 6 Toronto, Ontario M9W6N4. Phone: 416-679-2937 Fax: 416-679-2938 Toll Free: 1-877-753-7347
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Your product demands SPS quality We are dedicated to providing the goods and services that our customers have come to expect – with the care and precision that each job deserves