Boil Water Notices in the U.S., 2012-2014 Of the 20,978 notices from 50 states reporting, the majority (53.1%; 11,131) were presumed precautionary,
Discussion: Results indicate household water treatment filters can be used for large volume monitoring of drinking water quality at the point-of-use, however, retention of introduced pathogens on the tested filters is low and may still
Summaries and educational materials (toolkits, handouts, infographics, etc.) are publicly available resources, and the full scientific reports are free for Water Quality Association (WQA) members. If you are not a WQA member, please contact [email protected] to inquire about access to the full report(s) of interest.
2019年8月5日 · 2 . source water contamination and the risk reduction associated with having a POU final barrier in place. In addition, we aimed to formulate an adjustable cost benefit calculator capable of relating POU treatment costs to
BOIL WATER NOTICE TOOLKIT What is a Boil Water Notice (BWN)? There are 153,530 public water systems (PWS) in the U.S. supplying drinking water to customers every day.1 A boil water notice (BWN), also referred to as a boil water
Found the calculated lifetime loss to the Flint, MI community from lead exposure is $435M, whereas it would have only cost $11M to fund a 5-year community intervention strategy supplying POU activated carbon filters with lead adsorption capabilities.
COST BENEFITS OF POINT-OF-USE DEVICES IN REDUCTION OF HEALTH RISKS FROM DRINKING WATER Prepared by: Marc Verhougstraete, Ph.D. Kelly Reynolds, Ph.D. Akrum Tamimi, Ph.D. Charles Gerba, Ph.D. At the: The University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona, USA
Dr. Kumpel has over a decade of experience researching water supply, quality, access and equity. In partnership with the Water Quality Research Foundation, Dr. Kumpel recently studied point-of-use (POU) and point-of-entry (POE) devices in comparison to improvements to existing centralized systems for Safe Drinking Water Act compliance using a triple bottom line analysis.