Yan Chen (陈岩) - SI, University of Michigan
Yan Chen (陈岩) is Daniel Kahneman Collegiate Professor of Information, University of Michigan. She studies behavioral and experimental economics, market and mechanism design, information economics.
Chen, Roy, Yan Chen, Yang Liu and Qiaozhu Mei. “Does Team Competition Increase Pro-Social Lending: Evidence from Online Microfinance.”Games and Economic Behavior 101: 311-333.
Y. Chen, T. Sönmez / Journal of Economic Theory 127 (2006) 202–231 203 inter-district choice plan in Minnesota, have been widely praised in the education literature [40].
2008年7月11日 · By Yan Chen AND Sherry Xin Li⁄ Abstract Identity is a central concept in the social sciences. In this study, we present a laboratory exper-iment that measures the effects of induced group identity on participant social preferences. We find that when participants are matched with an ingroup member (as opposed to an outgroup mem-
2014年1月20日 · Yan Chen Onur Kesten January 20, 2014 Abstract Within the last decade, many Chinese provinces have transitioned from the ‘sequential’ to the ‘parallel’ college admissions mechanisms. We show that all of the provinces that have abandoned the sequential mechanism have moved towards less manipulable and more stable mechanisms.
By Wei Ai, Yan Chen, Qiaozhu Mei, Jieping Ye, and Lingyu Zhang The gig economy provides workers with the bene ts of autonomy and exibility, but it does so at the expense of work identity and co-worker bonds. Among the many reasons why gig workers leave their platforms, an unexplored aspect is the organization identity.
Chen and Chen, 2011), the provision point mechanism (Croson et al., 2008) and the Battle of the Sexes (Charness et al., 2007). However, one challenge in interpreting these findings is the question of whether they can apply to naturally occurring settings. One …
Yan Chen Onur Kesten April 8, 2016 Abstract Within the last decade, many Chinese provinces have transitioned from a ‘sequential’ to a ‘par-allel’ college admissions mechanisms. Inspired by this natural experiment, we evaluate the se-quential (immediate acceptance), parallel, and deferred acceptance mechanisms in the laboratory,
2015年2月6日 · Yan Chen Ming Jiang Onur Kesten Stéphane Robin Min Zhu February 6, 2015 Abstract We study the performance of the Boston and the Deferred Acceptance (DA) mech-anism in a laboratory where we increase the market size. Our results show that in-creasing the market size from 4 to 40 increases participant truth-telling under the DA
Yan Chen Rosta Farzan Robert Kraut Iman YeckehZaare Ark Fangzhou Zhang April 23, 2020 Abstract We use a large-scale personalized field experiment on Wikipedia to examine the effect of motivation on domain experts’ contributions to digital public goods. In our baseline condition, 45% of the experts express willingness to contribute.