约 4 个结果
  1. Plante du savetier : godet vert - Truffaut

    4 天之前 · Elle prend la forme d'inflorescences blanches, roses ou pourpres réunies au sommet d'une hampe dressée. Les espèces les plus couramment commercialisées sont : Bergenia ciliata aux grandes feuilles rondes et à la …

  2. Prokofiev & Brahms - Scottish Chamber Orchestra

    3 天之前 · Darkly lyrical and bristling with devilish energy, Prokofiev’s Second Violin Concerto is the ideal musical match for the exceptional talents of violinist Aylen Pritchin – a close musical collaborator and friend of conductor Maxim …

  3. bergénie srdčitá "Morgenrote"; bergénie srdčitá, …

    5 天之前 · Bergénie „Morgenrote“ ( Bergenia cordifolia) je dlouhověká, stínomilná kompaktní vytrvalá rostlina, které by se dařilo na podmáčeném stanovišti. V …

    • 类别: 543561
    • Benjamin Britten - Wikipedia

      3 天之前 · As a boy and young man, Britten had intensely admired Brahms, but his admiration waned to nothing, and Brahms seldom featured in his repertory. [v] Singers and players admired Britten's conducting, and David Webster rated it …