Enigma is a German musical project founded in 1990 by Romanian-German musician and producer Michael Cretu. [1] Cretu had released several solo records, collaborated with various …
This is the discography of the German musical project Enigma. Note: all albums were released on Virgin Records or its subsidiary Virgin Schallplatten GmbH.
The new Enigma album is available now! Embark on a journey in twelve chapters and find out more about the story behind - news, making of, interviews, videos.
Enigma is a German musical project founded in 1990 by Romanian-German musician and producer Michael Cretu. Cretu had released several solo records, collaborated with various …
Legendary multiplatinum Award-winning German music project Enigma returns with its long-awaited eighth full-length album, The Fall Of A Rebel Angel, available in stores and at digital …
Enigma is a musical project founded in 1990 by Romanian-German musician and producer Michael Cretu. He recorded the first Enigma studio album, MCMXC a.D. (1990), with...
Enigma is a German electronic project formed in 1990 by Michael Cretu, David Fairstein and Frank Peterson. Cretu is both the composer and the producer of the project.