These Essenials introduce 10 domains that represent the essence of professional nursing practice and the expected competencies for each domain (see page 26).
Within the 10 domains are competencies, which are short statements of a component of the domain. The sub-competencies are observable & measurable learner outcomes expected for the entry-level professional BSN graduates.
Endorsed by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education (2021) delineates the competencies that encompass all levels of professional nursing practice.
The RCH Generic Nursing Competencies focus on skills, knowledge, attitudes, values and abilities relevant for all nurses working in direct patient care and clearly set the standard of practice at the RCH.
Entry-to-practice competencies are the foundation for nursing practice. This document outlines the competencies measured for entry-level registered nurses (RNs) upon initial registration with CNO and entry to practice in Ontario. The competencies also guide the assessment of members’ continuing competence for maintaining registration with. CNO.
The competencies in each domain have a number of key generic examples of competence performance called indicators. These are neither comprehensive nor exhaustive; rather they provide examples of evidence of competence. The indicators are designed to assist the assessor when using their professional
These competencies encompass six core areas that aim to improve the quality of care and ensure patient safety within healthcare systems: Patient-Centered Care: Nurses must recognize the patient as the source of control and full partner in their care.
Practices nursing within legal and ethical parameters, considering role expectations, professional limits and boundaries, public safety, patient rights, cultural values, ethical frameworks, and conflicting moral imperatives of care.
All nurses must demonstrate their knowledge and competence in both in order to register as a nurse. These aspects are: use leadership skills to supervise and manage others and contribute to planning, designing, delivering and improving future services. The diagram below shows how this …
Meet with the RN regularly, review competencies and set realistic timescales for achievement. Accurately and honestly assess the Candidate against the competence criteria.