约 14,400 个结果
  1. Equipment - The Quar

    Heavy machine guns are considered light artillery by the Coftyrans, organized and commanded outside of the light infantry Catrawds. The standard HMG of Coftyr is the powerful 20mm M …

  2. Wargames Atlantic This Quar's War: Coftyran Infantry, WAAQU002

    Steeped in a rich martial tradition and dedicated to preserving traditional Quar society, the Crymuster is more than willing to stand and fight the Crusader juggernaut. A Coftyran rhyfler …

    • 评论数: 2
    • Quar - Wargames Atlantic

      The Long War is entering a new phase. Gather your weapons, choose your side, and prepare to begin your chapter in the history of this grand conflict. To learn a LOT more about the Quar …

    • Welcome - The Quar

      The Quar are the inhabitants of a rugged, mountainous, and storm-wracked world called Alwyd. Their planet is warm, like ours, and shares many of the same characteristics. In their native …

    • Quar Coftyran Infantry - Broadsword Wargaming

      Steeped in a rich martial tradition and dedicated to preserving traditional Quar society, the Crymuster is more than willing to stand and fight the Crusader juggernaut. A Coftyran rhyfler …

    • Quar Coftyran Infantry - Wargames Atlantic

      Steeped in a rich martial tradition and dedicated to preserving traditional Quar society, the Crymuster is more than willing to stand and fight the Crusader juggernaut. A Coftyran rhyfler …

    • Quar Fidwog Infantry — Wargames Atlantic

      This hard plastic box set includes enough parts to build 12 Fidwogs with options for the Sketych Basic rifle, Bensa F6 automatic rifle, and the M-8c heavy machine gun on the tractor with a …

    • Quar Coftyran Infantry - Brookhurst Hobbies

      Steeped in a rich martial tradition and dedicated to preserving traditional Quar society, the Crymuster is more than willing to stand and fight the Crusader juggernaut. A Coftyran rhyfler …

    • Quar Coftyran Infantry - Sarissa Precision Limited

      Featuring 24 hard plastic Quar (12 Crusaders and 12 Coftyrans), 24 hard plastic dual-use bases, 10 activation cards, 6 D6 dice, and a 48-page rulebook. There is also a selection of cut-out …

    • [Kickstarter] [15m] This Quar's War 2nd ed. and new miniatures by ...

      2020年3月15日 · This Quar's War is the large battle ruleset for playing games in Alwyd, a world inhabited by quar (anthropoid anteater-like creatures with roughly WWI tech), and covers …