Child-friendly justice, also called ‘child-sensitive justice’, can be described as justice systems which guarantee the respect and the effective implementation of all children’s rights at the highest attainable level, bearing in mind the fundamental principles and giving due consideration
Global Initiative on Justice With Children Digital Brochure [EN.s.24] Reducing deprivation of liberty. for children worldwide in. favour of non-custodial. measures. Child participation in formal. and informal justice settings. Fair and non-discriminatory. access to justice for all. children. The effective implementation.
Promote fair and child-centred justice systems for and with all the children worldwide. Provide a space for professionals to exchange best practices, foster scientific cooperation, formulate policy recommendations, raise awareness about child-centred
Global Initiative on Justice With Children Digital Brochure
Global initiative on Justice with Children, because we care about justice for children with children. The Global Initiative on Justice With Children, led by the Terre des hommes Lausanne Foundation, abides by the TDH Privacy Policy .
Advocacy briefs on child justice and child-friendly justice
2023年3月31日 · The five advocacy briefs covering the rights of children in conflict with the law aim to support full respect for, and implementation of, the principles and standards on child justice as enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and corresponding international and regional standards.
Child-Friendly Justice Toolkit - CRIN
This guide aims to provide information about the obligation to follow child-friendly justice principles; international, regional, and national standards for doing so; court decisions, studies, research surveys, and position papers on the subject; and other relevant resources.
With a strategic vision that actively puts children at the centre, afirms human rights, and is aligned with the SDG agenda, the Justice for Children Call to Action is an international, multi-agency project and an essential part of our collective global challenge to achieve SDG 16.
Brochures and Flyers - childjustice.org
Childrens Rights International aims to promote, protect and advance across the world through education and training and legal and other representation, the human rights of children.
Child-Friendly Justice: Easy-to-read version - Save the Children’s ...
Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Child Friendly Materials. Keywords. Child-friendly justice. The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) defends that justice systems should promote child-friendly justice, by doing what is best for children and making them feel comfortable.
The Child Rights Center has Published a Brochure and Poster "Justice …
The brochure and poster developed through the research "Justice Tailored to Children from the Perspective of Children and Youth", conducted by the Child Rights Center in 2020, which indicated that children and youth are generally not informed about their rights should they come into contact with the justice system.