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  1. Psychotria nervosa - Wikipedia

    Psychotria nervosa, also known as Seminole balsamo [3] or wild coffee, is a shade tolerant medium-sized shrub native to Florida as well as the West Indies and Central and South America. It produces a "small, red, ellipsoid fruit" that resembles "the true coffee bean" in shape and attract birds. [4] Its maximum height ranges from approximately 4 ...

  2. Wild coffee - Florida Wildflower Foundation

    The genus Psychotria comes from the Greek psyché, which means “life” or “soul.” It may refer to the medicinal properties of some plants within the genus. The species epithet nervosa is from the Latin nervosus, meaning “sinewy,” and likely refers to the plant’s conspicuous veination.

  3. Florida Native Plant Society (FNPS)

    Nectar plant for atala (Eumaeus atala), great southern white (Ascia monuste), julia (Dryas iulia), Schaus' swallowtail (Heraclides aristodemus), and other butterflies.Attracts pollinators including a variety of bees and wasps, flies, and beetles. Native Habitats: Dry mesic to xeric hammock, high areas in swamps, coastal shell mounds, pine flatwoods.

  4. Wild Coffee - Gardening Solutions

    Wild coffee (Psychotria nervosa) has interesting leaves that are about 6 inches long. The leaf veins are distinctly impressed on the upper leaf surface and you can find fine hairs on the underside of the leaves along the main mid-rib.

  5. Wild Coffee - south-florida-plant-guide.com

    Psychotria nervosa Wild coffee, one of the lesser known native Florida plants, is a lovely, graceful shrub that produces berries similar to coffee beans. The shrub itself is a beauty - with glossy deep green leaves marked with deep grooves, giving the foliage a beautiful texture.

  6. FPS494/FP494: Psychotria nervosa Wild Coffee - EDIS

    This document provides an overview of Psychotria nervosa, commonly known as wild coffee, a native shrub of Florida. It details the plant’s characteristics, including its glossy green leaves, white flowers, and red fruit.

  7. A Forager’s Guide to Wild Coffee (Psychotria nervosa)

    2022年8月14日 · Wild coffee (Psychotria nervosa) is an ornamental plant native to Florida and commonly used in landscapes. The seeds can be used as a caffeine-free coffee substitute when roasted, but do so with caution, as some sources suggest the brew may cause headaches.

  8. Psychotria nervosa (Wild Coffee) - Gardenia

    Psychotria nervosa (Wild Coffee) is an upright, medium-sized evergreen shrub with attractive, shiny dark green leaves and showy scarlet berries. The foliage of oppositely arranged, obovate leaves, 6 in. long (15 cm), is puckered with conspicuous veins on the upper surfaces, creating a wavy, textured look.

  9. Psychotria nervosa is a Florida native shrub that gets its common name from the small, red, ellipsoid fruit it produces (Fig. 1). Fruit resembles the true coffee bean. The leaves of this plant are generally 6-inches-long and are narrowly obovate in shape.

  10. Wild Coffee - Sharons Florida

    We have two species of wild coffee in central Florida. Wild coffee (Psychotria nervosa) and shortleaf wild coffee (Psychotria tenuifolia). Both are in the Rubiaceae, or madder, family as is the Coffea arabica that we regularly drink.