ÜberCharge - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
ÜberCharge (pronounced oo-bur in English, not like in German) is an ability of the Medic.ÜberCharge is built up as the Medic heals players with his secondary weapons, Crusader's Crossbow, and the Medicating Melody taunt or by hitting enemies with his Ubersaw.Each healing tool has its own unique ÜberCharge effect, which the Medic can unleash once his charge …
ÜberCharge strategy - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
A Soldier or Demoman is often a good target for a Kritzkrieg ÜberCharge, due to their weapons' significant damage and splash radius. A properly timed attack can wipe out a crowd of enemies before they can react. Use a Kritzkrieg ÜberCharge on a Soldier using the Buff Banner to help him quickly build up rage with the critical hits, allowing him to follow up with Mini-crits once the …
ÜberCharge - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
注释. 在游戏正式开始前的准备阶段,无论治疗对象的生命值如何,医生的医疗枪都会以该医疗枪最大充能速率的三倍进行充能。 在此阶段治疗受伤的队友不会有任何额外充能加成。 如果医生治疗对象的生命值大于等于其生命值的 142.5%,ÜberCharge 的积攒速度会减慢一半。
Category:ÜberCharged avatars - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team ...
Images of the ÜberCharged avatars released by Valve on the Official TF2 Blog. http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=2831
Quick-Fix - Official TF2 Wiki - Team Fortress 2
The Quick-Fix was previously tested in Team Fortress 2 Beta. The Beta Quick-Fix, a separate variant of the weapon, was also available for use in the beta.
ÜberCharge - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
無敵狀態的貼圖一開始是給舊版的tf2使用的,所以如果你仔細觀察的話,還是可以看到貼圖的某些地方有偏位的錯誤。 當你朝著一個無敵狀態的敵人擊出 爆擊 的話,雖然無法造成任何傷害,但是還是會有爆擊的音效。
Medic weapons (competitive) - Official TF2 Wiki - Team Fortress 2
The Solemn Vow has a 10% slower swing speed, but it allows the Medic to see the health and Ubercharge of all enemy players.
Medic buddy - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
Being the most iconic Medic pairing in Team Fortress 2, the Heavy’s large pool of health points allows him to soak up a lot of damage, making him very difficult to defeat when overhealed. While his large size and slow speed makes him easy to follow and keep track of, they also easily attract the attention of enemy players.
Ubersaw - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
In the censored version of Team Fortress 2, the Ubersaw is not stained with blood, but otherwise remains unchanged. The Ubersaw makes an appearance in the Team Fortress 2 comic The Naked and the Dead , which the Medic uses to defend himself against the TFC Heavy .
Medic responses - Official TF2 Wiki - Team Fortress 2
Voice responses are contextually triggered voice responses that play after the player has achieved something, for example killing a certain amount of enemies with a primary or melee weapon, or has triggered something, for example being set on fire. The Medic has several vocal responses, all of which are listed below (excluding voice commands).. Certain voice responses …