In the United States, Canicross (aka caniXC or caniX) is relatively unheard of. It is more prevalent in cooler climate areas where sled dog and mushing sports already exist but is slowly …
We can provide support for Canicross events in your area. Please visit our FACEBOOK Group Page (page) to learn more about us, call 262-925-0300 with any questions and complete this …
What is canicross? Canicross is a team activity consisting of a runner (or walker) and their dog. The term is a combination of “canine” and “cross country”. In traditional Canicross, dogs wear …
Who should join Canicross USA? 1. Individuals 2. Canicross USA Chapters 3. Dog Related Clubs and Groups 4. Canicross Race Directors 5. Companies that provide products and services to …
2019年1月12日 · Below are some of the photos submitted by the Canicross USA members who participated in the April 13-14 Canicross USA virtual event. Scroll down the page to see …
Largest Retailer of Canicross Equipment in the USA. 262-925-0300. Home; Events. Upcoming Events; Monthly Event Calendar; Add a Canicross Event; National Championship. Press …