Cleaning cast iron stove grates - Discuss Cooking
2008年10月10日 · The best (and easiest) way I've found to clean my cast iron stove grates is to spray them with oven cleaner, seal them in a plastic trash bag and let them sit overnight. In the morning, I just wash them in hot soapy water. They come out looking like new.
stainless steel vs porcelain-coated cast iron grate - Discuss Cooking
2012年7月17日 · I'm looking at the Weber Genesis E-310 vs S-310. I like black over stainless (the look and the price), but the black has porcelain-coated cast iron grates, which I assume aren't as good at the stainless rods on the S-310. Am I wrong? I've gathered that stainless rods heat quicker, clean eaiser, last longer, and are more resistant to rust.
Help - Slippery grates on gas stove top! - Discuss Cooking
2011年1月26日 · I bought a new gas stove in August. It's a Kenmore and I really like it. The only thing I have had a problem with are the grates on top of the burners. They...
Can't clean cast iron pan - Discuss Cooking
2016年10月29日 · Might work on cast iron. But WalMart sells Lodge pans pretty cheap, if you have one near you. Click to expand... Place the pan into a large garbage bag alongside a bowl of ammonia. Let sit overnight. In the morning, the burnt residue will come right off. This also works for crusty gas stove grates, and oven grates.
Is it okay to use foil to clean cast iron? - Discuss Cooking
2012年5月31日 · Don't use foil. You do not want to remove the seasoning. Boil some water in it for 15-20 minutes to soften any food particles left in the pan. Scrub it with a blue scrub sponge (safe for non-stick surfaces). Once it's clean using this process, give it a light coating of vegetable oil and heat it up on the stove until it's smoking.
How to clean cast iron with food gunk. - Discuss Cooking
2007年10月22日 · The Way I (Re)Season Cast Iron A new cast iron cooking pan or grill needs to be seasoned well to clean up easily. I personally season 2 or 3 times before using for food.
Cast Iron & glass top stoves - Discuss Cooking
2004年11月29日 · Can cast iron pans be used on glass top stoves? I really want to start collecting & using cast iron, but I can't remember if they can be used with these or not. I was told when we bought the stove that glassware like Visions dosen't work well. I …
Cast iron for stove-top baking? - advice needed! - Discuss Cooking
2004年9月18日 · SO: I am pleased to discover that a cast iron dutch oven, designed for cooking near an open fire, can be used for stove top baking with the heat source solely on the bottom.
Cooked burger on new cast iron ended up with messy pan
2015年1月13日 · Hello. I cooked burgers on new Lodge cast iron skilled. I ended up with a messy pan. it's not the first time using the pan, but the first time cooking...
Question about cast aluminum caldero - Discuss Cooking
2007年8月6日 · With a towel or cloth, apply vegetable or olive oil to the inner walls of the caldero. Afterwards, add ½ cup of the selected oil to the Caldero. Place on a stove top and cover the caldero. Heat the Caldero at a medium temperature for about 30 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool. Then, remove oil and wipe with a clean towel removing all oil excess. You are …