How to auto remove/kick members from telegram channel or …
# kick a user from a group m = context.bot.kick_chat_member( chat_id="-1001572091573", user_id='123456789', timeout=int(time.time() + 86400)) # expiry after 24h You need to obtain the chat_id of the Group chat and the user_id of the user to ban: you can do that by intercepting events like new_chat_members which provides all the information when ...
Telegram group ban/boot/kick user - Stack Overflow
2016年10月2日 · I need to create a Telegram bot to moderate a group and be able to ban/boot/kick users from the group. I could not find anything in the Telegram API to boot a user from a group, how can a bot do t...
python - Discord.py Bot Kick/DM Command - Stack Overflow
Assuming that the bot prefix is . you can use the following methods.kick @Cheng Yue, .kick Cheng Yue or by user's ID .kick 19234819283 – KowaiiNeko Commented Apr 2, 2019 at 5:53
How Kick out telegram bot? - Stack Overflow
2018年11月23日 · if you set group privacy of your bot off via Botfather, your bot will get new messages in the group as updates. upon joining a new user you will get a json message in your handler and you can check if it is a bot or not by checking msg.new_chat_member.is_bot value. then you can use kickChatMember API of bots to kick out that user.
javascript - How to write a kick with reason function for my bot ...
2019年4月21日 · Your bot might not be able to DM users after they have been kicked due to their privacy settings. Because the user got kicked, they no longer share a server with the bot (unless it is a very globally used bot, which would increase the odds that the user is in multiple servers using the bot,) meaning that the likelihood that the bot is not able to send a DM to that user, is …
How can I make a Discord bot DM someone when I kick them
2022年3月9日 · Also the message should be before await member.kick(), as the bot will not be able to message people that they don't have mutual servers with. Another thing you should do is check if the user is kickable before sending a message to the member. Some cases in which you can not kick the user are: They have a higher role than the discord bot.
Discord bot to kick users based on role - Stack Overflow
2022年3月9日 · To kick all the users who have the Inactive role, is pretty simple. All you have to do is go through all the users with the role and then kicking them. You can get all the members of the guild by using message.guild.members and then you can kick them by using member.kick() The code might look something like this:
How to run the Kick command of a bot via node.js?
2019年5月31日 · I tried for a moment to make a command to kick a member, but after testing in mons discord, no message appears, and the member is not kick. So this is for a bot discord with Node.js. I tried to re...
How can I kick all members without a role in my discord server ...
2022年1月7日 · I applied ctx.message.guild to the code and I got no errors, but the bot didn't do anything either. I also changed if "len(member.roles)==1:" to 0 instead. I even tested a regular kick command on an alt to prove the bot is capable and it worked. There's around a thousand users in the server that I am attempting to kick, though. –
How do I fix this error with kick command - Stack Overflow
2020年6月14日 · The exception says the bot does not have permission to kick that person, so either the bot does not have the permission to kick anyone, or they do not have permission to kick that user in particular due to the user having higher or equal role heirarchies. Try manually removing all roles from the person you are trying to kick before kicking them.