One theory is that the first Polynesians arrived in Hawaii in the 3rd century from the Marquesas by travelling in groups of waka, and were followed by Tahitians in AD 1300, who conquered the original inhabitants.
了解详细信息:One theory is that the first Polynesians arrived in Hawaii in the 3rd century from the Marquesas by travelling in groups of waka, and were followed by Tahitians in AD 1300, who conquered the original inhabitants. nativi hawaiani (hawaiano: kānaka, kānaka ʻōiwi, kānaka maoli e Hawaiʻi maoli), sono gli indigeni polinesiani delle isole hawaiane. Le isole Hawaii furono colonizzate almeno 800 anni fa da navigatori polinesiani dalle Isole Marchesi o dalle Isole della Società . indigeni Kanaka Maoli di ceppo Polinesiano originari delle isole Marchesi, dalle quali migrarono via mare intorno al 100 a.C. si stabilirono con successo, arrivando a popolare in gran numero l’arcipelago. Nana Ula è il nome dell’esploratore navigatore che condusse il suo popolo da Kahiki (Thaiti) alle Hawaii più di mille anni fa ... Hawaii pre-coloniali erano anche un luogo di profonda connessione spirituale. Gli hawaiani credevano in una serie di dèi legati alla natura, come Pele, la dea del fuoco e dei vulcani, e Kanaloa, il dio del mare. La hula, oggi vista principalmente come una danza folcloristica, era in realtà un mezzo sacro di narrazione e venerazione degli dèi. strive to understand both historical and contemporary local knowledge about coastal and marine environments, and to support the perpetuation of customary environmental practices and principles.…- 查看更多前往 Wikipedia 查看全部内容
Native Hawaiians - Wikipedia
One theory is that the first Polynesians arrived in Hawaii in the 3rd century from the Marquesas by travelling in groups of waka, and were followed by Tahitians in AD 1300, who conquered the original inhabitants. 展开
At the time of Captain Cook's arrival in 1778, the population is estimated to have been between 250,000 and 800,000. This was the peak of the Native … 展开
Native Hawaiian culture underwent a renaissance beginning in the 1970s. It was in part triggered by the 1978 Hawaiʻi State Constitutional Convention, held 200 years after the arrival of Captain … 展开
In Hawaii, the public school system is operated by the Hawaiʻi State Department of Education rather than local school districts. Under the … 展开
The history of Kānaka Maoli, like the history of Hawaii, is commonly broken into four major periods:
• the pre-unification period (before c. 1800) 展开Several cultural preservation societies and organizations were established. The largest is the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, established in 1889 and designated as the Hawaiʻi … 展开
CC-BY-SA 许可证中的维基百科文本 Nativi hawaiani - Wikipedia
I nativi hawaiani (hawaiano: kānaka, kānaka ʻōiwi, kānaka maoli e Hawaiʻi maoli), sono gli indigeni polinesiani delle isole hawaiane.
Le isole Hawaii furono colonizzate almeno 800 anni fa da navigatori polinesiani dalle Isole Marchesi o dalle Isole della Società. I coloni si sono gradualmente staccati dalla loro isole di origine e hanno sviluppato una distinta cultura e identità hawaiana nel loro nuovo arcipelago isolato. Ciò include…Wikipedia · CC-BY-SA 许可下的文字I Guerrieri Hawaiani -
2008年11月6日 · Gli indigeni Kanaka Maoli di ceppo Polinesiano originari delle isole Marchesi, dalle quali migrarono via mare intorno al 100 a.C. si stabilirono con successo, arrivando a …
Storia e cultura indigena - AroundTheBlue
Le Hawaii pre-coloniali erano anche un luogo di profonda connessione spirituale. Gli hawaiani credevano in una serie di dèi legati alla natura, come Pele, la dea del fuoco e dei vulcani, e …
Native Hawaiian Culture | Hawaiian Islands Humpback …
We strive to understand both historical and contemporary local knowledge about coastal and marine environments, and to support the perpetuation of customary environmental practices and principles.
The Indigenous World 2021: Hawai'i - IWGIA
Hawaii acquired statehood in 1959 and became a part of the United States of America. The Kanaka Maoli continue to fight for self-determination and self-government and continue to suffer from past injustices and ongoing violations …
Native Hawaiian Heritage & Culture - U.S. National …
2023年3月8日 · Superb voyagers, Polynesians from the Marquesas Islands migrated to Hawai`i more than 1,600 years ago. Polynesians were well established on the islands when, about 800 years ago, Polynesians from the …
Hawaii Indigenous Peoples - FamilySearch
Indigenous Peoples of Hawaii Native Hawaiians [1] are considered a separate ethnic group from the native American tribes of the continental US and they currently do not have …
Ecologia, Sovranità e “Saperi Indigeni” sull’isola di O’ahu, Hawaii. Il ...
Ecologia, Sovranità e “Saperi Indigeni” sull’isola di O’ahu, Hawaii. Il ruolo del kuleana nel dar forma alla responsabilità ambientale e sociale per il passato, il presente e il futuro nell’era …
Where to Experience Native Hawaiian …
2020年9月4日 · How to experience Hawaii’s indigenous culture, from lei making and ukulele playing to festivals, sites, shops, and the spirit of aloha.