  1. Copilot 答案

    Neimoidian | Wookieepedia | Fandom

    • "The Neimoidians. Unique species. Their brains are wired for calculation. Everything is an instinctive risk assessment to them. Some call it cowardly. I think it's a strong survival instinct, percentages and risk."… 展开

    Biology and appearance

    "The path to Neimoidian prosperity is through peaceful negotiation, not bloodshed. We know this. Our brains are wired to calculate this."
    ―Neimoidian Royal Guard Ruug Quarnom
    The Neimoidian… 展开

    Society and culture

    Education and way of life
    "I don't know about the Trade Federation, but Neimoidians care about their people." ―Mill … 展开


    The origins of the Neimoidians
    The history of the Neimoidians began twenty-five millennia before the Imperial Era when the planet Neimoidia was discovered by Duros explorers. The world was quickly colo… 展开

    Neimoidians in the galaxy

    "To the Republic, we are a monolith. A people of business. A people of greed. A people of deception. Perhaps…not even a people."
    ―Cato Neimoidia minister of defense Alluv Eyam on Neimoi… 展开

    Behind the scenes

    Neimoidians first appeared in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, the first installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. The Neimoidians were originally envisioned as organic versions of the B1-series bat… 展开