Serranilla Bank | TreasureNet The Original Treasure Hunting Website
2004年12月20日 · galleons travelling from Porto Bello and Cartagena to Havana. The Serranilla Banks Project seeks to identify and evaluate the submerged cultural resources present in this region. Serranilla Bank Map of Serranilla Bank Population: Uninhabited (2006) 1510 Serranilla Bank first shown on Spanish maps.
Serranilla bank beacon cay and other interesting sites
2005年10月10日 · Serranilla bank definitely looks interesting. Wikipedia entry says "hundrets of wrecked ships" [not my misspelling]. Nigel Pickford's book "The Atlas of Shipwrecks and Treasure" says that 4 Spanish ships - part of the fleet of Luis Hernandez de Cordoba - sank there in 1605, none yet recovered. The cargo of any one of these would be nice to find.
Serranilla-Serrana | Treasure Hunting & Metal Detector Forum
2006年2月5日 · The chart I used at Serranilla is from a British Navy survey of 1835; 12th ed. Apr. 1920; Revised 9/18/67, produced by the US Naval Oceanographic Office as Chart # 1489. Only Beacon Cay is habitated. With the exception of Beacon Cay, …
Serranilla bank beacon cay and other interesting sites
2009年7月27日 · Belizeanpirate: Serranilla is indeed a very pristine and exotic area as isolated as you can get in planet earth. Should you need to get to an emergency room figure on a couple of days minimum, depending on how you got there, Jamaica or Providencia being equidistant. Bob Marx was right, as he...
Info on Serranillas Wrecks. | TreasureNet The Original Treasure ...
2007年2月28日 · burt d webber jr made several vists to the area of the san pedro bank, the serranilla and serrana in the 1960's with art mckee and others--he found a badly scattered 1700's era wreck in 1963 on the northeast side of serrana bank---working there in 64 he raised a iron cannon and 2 iron swivel guns---from the same site caymanian islanders got two bronze …
Info on Serranillas Wrecks. | Page 2 - TreasureNet
2007年4月29日 · Salvor 6, I have located the load of the Royal Treasure but documents of the privates don't exist. For the previous trip (1604) there is complete documents of the San Roque
Looking For Photos/Info about visible wrecks Quito Sueno/Bajo …
2019年6月3日 · Main superstructure was intact but stripped and engine room a burned-out 'black-hole'. Stopped at Serranilla Bank on another trip to Panama and cruised outside reef looking for ballast piles. Spotted numerous anchors (shrimpboats & old ship-style).
Undiscovered treasure galleons | Page 2 | Treasure Hunting
2004年10月26日 · The Serranilla bank was well known. If you approach it from the west, it is not dangerous, it offers you a safe anchorage. For sure salvage expeditions were sent there to look immediately upon the return of the San Cristobal to Cartagena, if not for survivors, then at least for the great amount of treasure that was lost.
About the San Roque 1605s Tierra Firme armada.
2007年4月29日 · About the San Roque 1605's Tierra Firme armada. It is already time that many lies about Spanish shipwrecks and others are discovered and exposed. During years it has been said that the four missing galleons in 1605 are in Serranilla bank. This is a mistake! I found a lot of documentation in...
Undiscovered treasure galleons | Page 7 | TreasureNet The Original ...
2010年5月23日 · Those look like top quality emeralds. The emeralds that came off the 1622 Atocha were just as good as new after over 350 years under seawater. Since the Atocha sank just 17 years after the 1605 fleet, not much new will be learned. Whats so important about the San Roque? I heard the manifest...