USSSA - United States Specialty Sports Association
You can search for any player that has been added to an online USSSA roster. View the roster history of any player. Example Click Here. Career stats can now be tracked. Tools are available for each coach to track player stats. Those stats will show up on a players individual page. You can enter partial first or last names.
USSSA - United States Specialty Sports Association
Your team has qualified for USSSA Post season play! Teams should check with their State Director to see what their state's berth validation requirements are for playing in a USSSA National Championship event.
Texas Fastpitch – USSSA
Browse upcoming youth FastPitch tournaments in Texas. USSSA Texas tournaments are fun, competitive events at family-friendly parks.
USSSA - United States Specialty Sports Association
Changes are set to take effect with the start of the 2026 season Viera, FL – Beginning with the 2026 playing season, which begins August 12, 2025, USSSA will shift its age eligibility determination date for youth fastpitch softball to September 1st.
USSSA - United States Specialty Sports Association
USSSA Senior Softball is taking everything you love about tournament softball and making it even better! We have a full schedule of events from coast to coast, so mark your calendars and start on the road to the USSSA Senior Softball World Series.
Senior Softball – USSSA
We host Men's & Women's Senior slow pitch softball events throughout the United States. View National Schedule SENIOR NATIONAL COMMITTEE UPDATES
USSSA - United States Specialty Sports Association
The USSSA sanctions, creates, and promotes a variety of sports including softball, baseball, and basketball. Official site.
USSSA - United States Specialty Sports Association
USSSA is excited to announce the fourth annual USSSA All American Fastpitch Program. The program’s goal is to bring athletes together from all over the country to learn, compete and succeed on the softball diamond.
NC USSSA Who's Playing?
Find out which teams are playing in upcoming NC USSSA tournaments.
United States Specialty Sports Association - Wikipedia
The United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA) is a volunteer, sports governing body and a nonprofit organization based in Viera, Florida. Originally USSSA stood for United States Slowpitch Softball Association.