linear algebra - Prove that the eigenvalues of skew-Hermitian …
Eigenvector of skew-hermitian matrix. 5. Prove the following result for Hermitian and Skew-Hermitian ...
What is a basis for the space of $n\\times n$ Hermitian matrices?
And do you know what "diagonals" refers to in a matrix? $$\begin{pmatrix}0&1\\-1&0\end{pmatrix}$$ Of course, this one probably wants complex hermitian matrices as well. Careful. The addition of two unitary matrices is generally not unitary, so try to understand what the question means...
linear algebra - Eigenvector of skew-hermitian matrix
2016年2月15日 · I know that skew-hermitian matrix is by definition a matrix such that its conjugate transpose is equal to its negative. And that all eigenvalues of skew-hermitian matrices are purely imaginary. But what does it even mean that a vector is "extremal vector" and why such a vector is an eigenvector of skew-hermitian matrix?
linear algebra - Geometry of Skew-Hermitian matrices
2022年2月23日 · That's not quite correct. It's helpful to first establish that because we are in a complex vector space, the one-dimensional subspaces are two dimensional spaces relative to multiplication by real numbers, and so is perhaps best visualized as a two-dimensional space.
Prove the following result for Hermitian and Skew-Hermitian matrix
2016年3月24日 · Can the product of a complex symmetric unitary matrix and a skew-hermitian matrix be complex skew-symmetric? Hot Network Questions Is the use of possessive 's with inanimate objects preferred in academic writing?
linear algebra - characteristic polynomial of skew Hermitian matrix ...
So, characteristic polynomial of skew-Hermitian matrix need not have real coefficients. Consider the matrix $\frac{1}{i}X=\frac{1}{i}\begin{bmatrix} -i&2+i\\-2+i &0\end{bmatrix}$ . Its characteristic polynomial is $\lambda^2+\lambda-5 $ whose coefficintes are real.
If $S$ is skew-hermitian, show that $iS$ is hermitian.
2016年3月20日 · Eigenvector of skew-hermitian matrix. 5. Prove the following result for Hermitian and Skew-Hermitian ...
linear algebra - $A$ is skew hermitian, prove $e^A$ is unitary ...
Look at this: matrix exponential.. $$(e^A)^He^A=e^{A^H}e^A=e^{-A}e^A=e^0=I$$ A longer answer is you expand the matrix exponential.
linear algebra - Why are all nonzero eigenvalues of the skew …
$\begingroup$ @Math4Life: By definition.Because complex inner products are sesquilinear, not bilinear. They are, by definition, homogeneous in the first coordinate and conjugate homogeneous in the second.
linear algebra - Why do we say that the eigenvalues of skew …
2018年8月18日 · $\begingroup$ Thanks for your reply. I got it. But my problem was that eigenvalues of a matrix should belongs to that field by which entries of matrices are being taken or the field on which it forms vector space. eg -As to form skew hermitian matrix we take entries from complex field but it form vector space over it's subfield set of real numbers.