Misc What can/do any of you do, when on carisoprodol
2019年6月3日 · Mixing carisoprodol with opiates dramatically increases the risk of an OD, so it should never be done carelessly. Nonetheless, it's known to have a special kind of synergy combined with one of the weaker opiates. Personally, I've had good experiences taking carisoprodol with tramadol or codeine/DHC, but it's inherently dangerous.
Misc - Carisoprodol - Bluelight.org
2022年3月29日 · This is the Soma aka Carisoprodol thread. Post anything you want, or know about Soma! I just got my hands on some for the 2nd time in my life I remember atleast. They're like finding a diamond haired unicorn around here atleast. I took: 1 and a quarter of 350mg Soma pills Chlorpheniramine 32mg Promethazine 50mg Subutex 8mg 1mg of Xanax Marijuana
carisoprodol - Bluelight.org
2010年7月5日 · carisoprodol DOES bind to the gaba-A receptors, but not the benzodiazepene specific receptors. but you best be careful not to get hook on benzos because that is even worse than opiate addiction IMO...also if you are on a high dose of benzos and then try to quit cold turkey you can die because to seizures.
Snorting Soma (Carisoprodol) | Bluelight.org
2010年6月26日 · ^(oops, referring to mugabe's post) yup, in the name of HR you should not combine with alcohol because they potentiate each other. but the feeling of soma + alcohol is a pretty desirable one, IMO. be careful and don't dose overboard with drunken confidence, whatever route you go.
Tramadol/Carisoprodol Combination (Safe? Doses?) - Bluelight.org
2010年6月24日 · Carisoprodol would potentiate the effects of Tramadol. It is relatively safe, just don't take too much Soma. If one didn't get you anywhere than try two or three. It should help increase the effects. Don't take anymore than 3 Soma. If it doesn't work, don't take more.
Soma, high, and dosage. | Bluelight.org
2010年12月20日 · Right now I'm pretty dry, but I'm getting 7 Somas (carisoprodol) 350mgs. I was wondering what the high is like and does it produce euphoria? I have only taken one or two to potentiate oxy. I have moderately high tolerance to benzos and I'm not sure if that's relevant to the effects of soma, but...
Opioids "Red apple pills" Tapentadol/Carisoprodol. Anyone done …
2014年10月27日 · For context I have a no real opiate tolerance and no experience with carisoprodol though these pills seem to lean more opiate in dosage. BTW: Sorry for making another thread asking for advice, I'll endevour to actually contribute something eventually =).
SOMA ( carisoprodol ) max dosage? - Bluelight.org
2010年3月23日 · 5 350mg carisoprodol absolutely knock me out. As others have said, its somewhat unpredictable in its effects, so be very careful. I wouldn't combine it with any other CNS depressants like your benzodiazepines or you could get into trouble quickly.
Opioids Tapentadol and Carisoprodol "Snortability"???
2013年4月13日 · Carisoprodol should be taken orally for best effects because it's a prodrug for meprobamate (Miltown.....) a MUCH stronger drug that contributes a lot to the effects of the Soma/Carisoprodol and how it works effectively. Tapentadol I've heard has the same ER matrix as OxyContin (OP) so don't waste your time with any non-oral ROA.
carisoprodol dosage/time of onset? - Bluelight.org
2011年12月26日 · aside from that, 1050mg is a pretty big dose. i'm kind of a lightweight when carisoprodol is the drug, and 1050mg and i'm a total mess. most people would agree that dose SHOULD do something. i know i can feel the effects from 750mg in 20-30 minutes, and that's enough of a dose for me.